Season 2 Episode 8: The Wisdom of Stephen Harrod Buhner

Hey friends.

Today’s episode is a little deviation from the norm around here, as rather than the usual dialogue between Allison and myself, I have a guest!

For the first time ever, I will be the quiet one, and offer this episode with the intention of connecting you to the wisdom and brilliance of a true master healer. My intention is to offer several interviews over the coming months featuring healers and wisdom-keepers that have impacted my learning and journey, and who I feel have essential teachings for our time.

I could not be more pleased or feel more honoured that the first guest in this space is none other than Stephen Harrod Buhner.

Stephen Harrod Buhner has had an indescribable influence on my path. His books, perspectives, and basic nature are such an inspiration for me (and for many others I know), and his contributions to herbalism, human consciousness, spirituality, and ecological relations are, in many ways, unparalleled.

This is a pretty wide-ranging conversation, but in it we touch upon Stephen’s current work on ecological and environmental grief, on the necessity of reconnection with the natural world and reinvigorating our animist understandings, COVID-19, individuation, the responsibilities that each individual has within their healing process, and so much more.

Stephen employs language and humour in the most fantastic manner, and I think I could sit and listen to him speak for days. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Connect with us here:

Allison Strickland: Website and Instagram

Ciel Grove: Website and Instagram

ciel patenaude